
This is a short 3D animation that Christian Sanchez and I created for our final project for an Animation II course. This class required us to develop an animation using two robot characters with a short story with a theme that involved the concept of ‘Power’. Our story consists of two robots cleaning up after a busy day at a barbershop. The tall, copper-based robot (Couppertin) is the owner of the establishment, while the shorter, magnet-headed robot (Magnus) is one of the employees. Couppertin enjoys dancing around as he sweeps the floor, often tripping Magnus without meaning to. Eventually, Magnus reaches his boiling point and lashes out at Couppertin.

Some of my roles in this project are:

  • Designing, modeling, texturing, and rigging Magnus
  • Animating Magnus and Couppertin’s detached arm
  • Setting up the render settings via Redshift and creating the toon-like shader to allow for multiple levels of shading.